Sober Living

The Support System in Sober Living Facilities

The Support System in Sober Living Facilities

What is Sober Living? Sober living is a transitional living facility for recovering drug and alcohol addicts. The residence serves as an outpatient facility for individuals leaving their primary treatment and detoxification programs.  They are often privately owned, but they can be religious, philanthropic, government, […]

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Commitment to Sobriety Holds Your Entire Sober Living Experience Together

Commitment to Sobriety Holds Your Entire Sober Living Experience Together

When you’re in recovery, you’re gathering many tools. You’re collecting coping tools, relaxation techniques, independent living skills, and new communication skills. However, there’s one tool that is going to hold the whole thing together, and that’s your commitment. But what are you committed to? You […]

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How to Thrive in Sober Living

How to Thrive in Sober Living

Post-Treatment Life Making the decision to quit drugs and alcohol and get help is a big step. You have decided that you no longer want to put yourself or your loved ones through the pain of addiction and illness. But what happens after treatment? While […]

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How In-Patient Transitional Living Can Prevent Eating Disorder Relapse

How In-Patient Transitional Living Can Prevent Eating Disorder Relapse

When you are done with treatment, you may think that you are golden; that you are free to roam the earth as if you never had any struggles. Not so quick. Leaving treatment and tossing yourself back into the real world can leave you with […]

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How Long Should a Recovering Addict Stay in a Sober Living Program?

How Long Should a Recovering Addict Stay in a Sober Living Program?

When a person chooses to reside in a sober living home, they are often looking for a safe place to stay for awhile. Likely, they don’t want to go back home, back to old friends and old routines, in fear that their lifestyle of drug […]

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