Write For Us


Gain invaluable exposure to clients AND practitioners

By contributing articles you have the opportunity to utilize a third party source to tell future clients, referral sources and your peers about what your practice is currently offering in the area of recovery and best of all, it’s FREE.

Use Social Media to increase your reach

Harnessing the power of Facebook post sharing, we aim to build a network of professionals who support each other by sharing posts relevant to their own practices and know where to refer clients to appropriate, like-minded therapists.

The goal is to build a network of therapists and doctors who are ‘clued in’ to all the available treatments offered in their local area with a view to improving their clients outcomes. By sharing other complimentary therapists blog posts on Informing My Recovery, we’ve created an easy way for you to keep your Facebook page buzzing with new and relevant content.

We’ve put together a quick guide to writing for the blog in the guidelines below. Before you write anything please contact us to let us know about you and your area of expertise and what your post would be about and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can to give you the go-ahead (we’d hate for you to spend time writing something that we don’t feel is a good fit for our site).

Contributor Post Guidelines

If you have expert knowledge on your subject or have a survivor story and valuable advice to offer others, then you’re on your way to becoming a contributor!

If you’re not comfortable writing the article from first person, let us know and we can re-work the information you provide us into an article about your topic and feature you or your practice without a “Written by...”. In this case you would still have your details displayed at the bottom of the article so people can find you in the Directory and away from this site.

Please note: We do not accept contributor posts that are hard-selling a product or service. We want to know what you’re doing so we can inform the community but without the heavy-handed sales pitch.

Avoid the "hard sell" in the blog articles

The blog itself is an educational/directional tool, not a sales platform.

It is completely appropriate to write about a technique or service you provide but please try to avoid heavy sales language. The place for spruiking all your services is in your directory listing and there will be a link to this at the bottom of your contributor post. Don’t stress though, we’ll advise you if we feel your article needs a little rewording.

  • Length of contributor post is ideally 800 words.

  • Only original posts will be accepted. If your post has featured anywhere else online or in print, then we require it to be re-structured.

  • Unless agreed to in writing by It’s My Recovery, you may not re-publish your contributor post on your own website or blog. You are 100% encouraged to post links of your itsmyrecovery.com post on your blog, website and social media!

  • We reserve the right to edit your post. In the case that we need to edit substantially, we will email the revised post to you for approval prior to publishing. An introduction may be added to provide context. We may also add a conclusion to your article if deemed appropriate.

Competitive behavior among practitioners won't be tolerated

It's My Recovery is structured in a format that should limit competitive behaviour amongst practioners.

  • There will be NO Display Ads on the blog.

  • Links will be added to funnel traffic DIRECTLY to blog contributors Business pages and not through to the Listings page.

  • Display Ads of practioners within a certain category will display everywhere BUT within their category in the Therapist Directory.

  • Your Author Bio will prevent other practioners from claiming your article as their own in Social Media shares.

Those found to be engaging in behaviours such as claiming or piggy-backing off the work of another contributor, slandering on any platform (on or off-line) or anything deemed as competitive with other practitioners will be warned to remove the offending material and if non-compliant will be removed from the It's My Recovery site. No refunds will be available (if applicable) and any blog posts by that individual will be removed.

The intention of contributing to the blog is for those in the community in need of rehabilitation to discover your services, especially if you are doing something very interesting or innovative. This is why we call you our Network of Excellence. We don't want you to give away any secrets, intrigue is enough... write a "top level" explanation of your technique or service and the results you're achieving and you'll attract interest from those that need it.

Remember that you're addressing sufferers, survivors, families and carers predominantly. Write for them and keep it light, friendly and informative.

Your Personal Bio

At the bottom of your post you will have a 2-3 sentence bio about you and your practice, any books you’ve written, awards you have won or accolades of any sort. Don’t be shy, write this section in third person so it sounds like it comes from us. Your bio will include a link to your Directory listing and may also include links to your own website or social media accounts. A 150 x 150 pixel image of yourself to accompany your bio is also encouraged.

Image Guidelines

If possible, we’d love you to supply images relevant to your contributor post topic. These images MUST be taken by and/or owned by you. You will be required to download, complete and return our Talent Release Consent Form.

Image specifications are as follows:

  • High quality

  • Landscape orientation

  • 700 pixels x 400 pixels

  • No watermarks or logos over your images unless agreed to prior

  • You are welcome to share these images via DropBox or other file sharing methods to ensure highest possible quality

  • If clients, staff or anyone apart from yourself are identifiable in your photos be sure to have them fill out a talent release form.

From time to time we may decide to create an illustration for your article. If we do wish to illustrate your article we will check with you first to make sure you have no objections. There will obviously be no charge to you.

Once your contributor post is finalized to the above requirements, please email the following in the form below.

  1. Your post written in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format

  2. Original images (.jpg or .png format) or a link to images to download

  3. Your personal bio

  4. Your completed Talent Release Consent forms if required

Download the Contributors Kit: