Month: <span>January 2017</span>

Understanding Food Addiction

Understanding Food Addiction

What is Food Addiction? Food addiction is a set of uncontrollable behavioral patterns, where an individual consumes an excessive amount of food or eats even though they are not hungry. This kind of compulsion still occurs even in the face of health risks, such as […]

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7 Yoga Poses to Help Prevent and Reduce Pain

7 Yoga Poses to Help Prevent and Reduce Pain

More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, according to the Institute of Medicine. If you want to treat your pain without the risk of serious side effects that can sometimes be found with pain medicine, then you might want to find yourself a […]

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5 Techniques for Dealing With Depression in Young People With a Disability

5 Techniques for Dealing With Depression in Young People With a Disability

Depression strikes at any age, and young people with physical disabilities are at a greater risk for developing this mental health condition. This is especially true for young children and teens who are still learning how to live with having abilities that differ from their […]

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How Long Should a Recovering Addict Stay in a Sober Living Program?

How Long Should a Recovering Addict Stay in a Sober Living Program?

When a person chooses to reside in a sober living home, they are often looking for a safe place to stay for awhile. Likely, they don’t want to go back home, back to old friends and old routines, in fear that their lifestyle of drug […]

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